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Freight services


Are you a company and your freight needs justify the opening of a customer account?
Do you have a specific need: regular shipments, high volumes, goods to be shipped urgently or even a fragile or precious shipment?

Contact our sales department directly by completing this form

    Company information

    Customer Information

    Please assess your estimated monthly needs

    I accept the privacy policy*

    Do you already have a Freight customer account?

    If you want your shipments to be billed to your account, you must present a dated and numbered order form with the following information:

    • Your name and customer account number
    • The reference of the purchase order (number and date)
    • The recipient’s contact
    • The number of packages to be handled
    • The desired route: i.e. the destination stopover for your goods
    • The options requested, if any: priority dispatch and/or storage in a cold room

    If you do not have a purchase order template, we offer you one to download here