
Applications for the 2023 Transport Card are open! If you are residents of the islands, you can already submit your application online. And the 2023 campaign promises you lots of new things!
Apply as of November 17 All Transport Card requests can be made directly online on our website!
A secure form allows you to request your card in just a few clicks. All you have to do is fill out one form per person and attach the required supporting documents to each request. Make sure you have all the supporting documents before making your request:
– valid proof of identity (identity card or passport) ;
– proof of address with your address on the islands dated less than 3 months (water, electricity, telephone bill) ;
– certificate of not benefiting from another dated and signed aid scheme.
Complete your procedures online and win a return ticket to your island of residence!
For the first time, the company is organizing a game reserved for Transport Card applicants. To try your luck, all you have to do is apply for your Transport Card directly on our website before December 31, 2022 at midnight. Make sure you have all the supporting documents so that your request is validated; only complete applications made online will be considered for the draw. Up to you !
In 2023, your Transport Card will be dematerialized!
More ecological…
Make way for digital! The Transport Card is completely dematerialized. From now on, only your profile number will be sent to you to claim your travel credits on our lines.
More practical…
It is this profile number that allows you to book your tickets directly online using your credits. Don’t hesitate to follow the online booking tutorial to save time and better manage your next bookings.
More simple…
No need to move! At the end of your request and if the latter is validated, you will receive your profile number (formerly registered on the card) by sms and email.
Since the process is simplified, you will receive the answer to your request much faster than usual. Make your request online and receive your profile number within a maximum of 48 hours only! For all complete applications received before December 29, 2022, the profile number will be automatically sent on January 2, 2023.
And still so advantageous!
The Transport Card 2023 still allows you to benefit from 10 travel credits to your island of residence. You are in control of your budget and you choose on which flights you wish to use your credits. Also take advantage of discounts on our freight service: 15F reduction per kilo from your island of residence.
I apply for my Transport Card 2023