Freight services
Preparing my package
Package formats
The size of the holds of our aircraft limits the volume of packages that we can transport.
The maximum size of packages accepted for freight is 1.80m x 1.20m x 0.60m for a maximum weight of 30kg.
To be accepted for transport, you must present your packages in good condition suitable for their contents, solid, clean, dry and odorless.
Your goods must be sufficiently protected so as not to be damaged or not to damage other packages during the various handling phases necessary for their transport. The holds of our aircrafts are not containerized, so your packaging must be strong enough for your package to support other packages during transport.
Goods which could lead to risks of dripping and staining other packages must be packed in airtight containers.
Perishable foodstuffs (products from the sea and meat in particular) can only be transported if they are packed in a suitable cooler.
Good to know
The company reserves the right to refuse parcels with packaging that does not comply or would present real risks for the safety of the flight or the personnel or risks of damage to other parcels, and disclaims any responsibility for the possible transport of these goods.