ISLE OF PINES – Aerodrome blocking

8 August 2023
Update – 08/08/2023 at 1:30 PM:
The company is also compelled to cancel the following flights:
- TY413 bound for the Isle of Pines departing from Magenta at 3:30 PM
- TY414 bound for Magenta departing from the Isle of Pines at 4:30 PM
As the situation has not evolved, the company is obliged to cancel the flights scheduled for the morning of Tuesday, August 8th:
TY401, bound for the Isle of Pines departing from Magenta at 8:40 AM TY402, bound for Magenta departing from the Isle of Pines at 9:40 AM TY1423, bound for the Isle of Pines departing from Magenta at 9:40 AM TY1424, bound for Magenta departing from the Isle of Pines at 10:40 AM
Affected passengers will be notified via SMS or email using the contact details provided during the reservation.
The company appreciates its customers’ understanding.