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Travel planning

International flights

Our destinations

The world in open for you

Thanks to commercial agreements signed with more than twenty airlines, Aircalin is able to offer its customers to travel beyond its own network and the cities it serves on direct flights.

Aircalin and its partners* will be able to take you to more than a hundred destinations around the world

(*main partners: Air France-KLM, Finnair, Thai, Singapore Airline, Japan Airlines, Cathay Pacific, British Airways, Iberia, Air Tahiti Nui, Fiji Airways, Emirates, Etihad, Alitalia, China Eastern…)

On-demand service

Prepare your trip according to your needs

Do you want to take more luggage? Travel with more legroom? Enjoy the comfort and calm of a more intimate cabin? or enjoy one of our tasty À la Carte Menus? Enhance your trip and personalize it with our many on-demand services. Available on all flights operated by Aircalin.

The fleet

A modern and efficient fleet

The Aircalin fleet is made up of two Airbus A330neo, one Airbus A320neo (a second A320neo will complete the fleet in 2023) and two Twin-Otter DHC-6. A French company, member of IATA and IOSA certified, Aircalin meets the most demanding criteria in the field of aeronautics. Maintenance is carried out in accordance with European standards (EASA Part M and Part 145).

By acquiring the new A330neo models in 2019 and A320neo in 2020 and 2023, the company has the opportunity to improve the performance of its airlines, to strengthen its commercial attractiveness, to meet New Caledonia’s ambitions for the future and finally to better take into account environmental aspects. Aircalin is the first airline in the Asia-Pacific region to operate the latest generation Airbus A330neo.